Hi, I'm Jeni Hott

...and I'm passionate about helping entrepreneurs have more time for the people and things that matter in life.

Live More

Embrace a life filled with freedom and joy, making the most of every moment.

Work Less

Streamline your business for maximum efficiency, allowing you to spend less time working and more time living.

Make a Difference

Use your success to positively impact others, creating meaningful change in the world.

A few things about me... 

  • I am known for creating purpose-driven, 6-7 figure businesses, while working as little as 1x per year.
  • I started my first online business in 1996, 27+ years ago.
  • Google dubbed me, “The woman who shifted the blogosphere” after I became the world’s first 7 figure blogger in 2008 crossing over 100 million visits by 2013.
  • I was quoted in a documentary for saying, “I’m not a money driven person, but thankfully, that makes me a lot of money.” 
  • Featured in documentaries, multiple books, magazines, blogs, radio talk shows, and countless podcasts. 
  • l lost my sister and 10 year old niece as a result of long term domestic violence in 2017, prompting me to sell my businesses and teach my strategies... because life is short and we all deserve financial and time freedom for the people and experiences that truly matter in life.

Jeni Hott - Entrepreneur, Blogger, and Creator of Time Rich™

Hello there, my name is Jeni Hott and I'm known as a pioneering entrepreneur and the first 7-figure blogger in the world. I'm also known for my innovative approach to passive income and relaxed business strategies. My journey began in the corporate world, but after transitioning to freelancing and facing significant challenges, I discovered the power of online business.

In a pivotal moment, I  developed severe trauma-induced osteoarthritis and tendinopathy from working 18-24 hour days, which rendered her unable to use her hands and experiencing excruciating pain. This hardship forced me to master automation, transforming my online career and enabling me to create multiple 6 and 7-figure businesses while working as little as 4 weeks per year.

By 2008, I was reaching millions of people each month, earning recognition from Google as the first 7-figure blogger and one of the top 1% highest-earning internet marketers globally​.

My commitment to helping others is evident in my ethical and authentic approach to business. I have now dedicated my career to assisting overwhelmed entrepreneurs in achieving more time and financial freedom through the TimeRich™ program.

This program focuses on refining business foundations to align with personal values, promoting ease, clarity, and freedom. My passion for work-life balance drives me to empower entrepreneurs to enjoy life and spend time with loved ones instead of being consumed by work​ ​​ ​.

Throughout my journey, I have been featured in numerous media outlets, including the documentary "Living Dot Com," and have collaborated extensively with Google America and Google Latin America on AdSense, which earned their recognition; "Jeni Hott's success and humanitarian efforts have made her a respected figure in the entrepreneurial community."

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